About our support to 180 Degrees Consulting Sofia 

At Brightive we are invested not only in attracting young foreigners and Bulgarians with academic and professional experience abroad to the country but also in fostering the hands-on capabilities and expertise of the top talents at the Bulgarian universities. Since our vision and values are perfectly aligned with those of 180 Degrees Consulting Sofia, the Bulgarian branch of the world’s largest student-driven management consultancy, we are more than happy to support their great social cause both as sponsors and mentors for their consulting projects.

We are well acquainted with how difficult the process of developing an innovative service delivery model and building a strong brand is. The principles behind managing projects for big corporations and non-profits are more or less the same – you need to be client- and efficiency-driven and focus on providing specific, measurable, ambitious, realistic and time-bound solutions.

Therefore, we support 180 DC Sofia to help them develop their branch and deliver high-quality management consulting services to social organisations. We carry out coaching sessions for the 180 DC Sofia consultants, where we share with them our consulting expertise and know-how, as well as give them feedback and guidance on their ongoing projects. Our successful cooperation with 180 DC Sofia also results in some of their top student consultants becoming part of the Brightive team and taking up on intern roles and full-time positions in our company. We are committed to building a strong relationship between our two organisations that has long-term social impact in Bulgaria.


About 180 Degrees Consulting Sofia

180 Degrees Consulting Sofia is the Bulgarian branch of 180 Degrees Consulting, the world’s largest student-driven consultancy with over 100 branches in 35 countries globally. The mission of 180 DC is to bring together highly motivated and academically excellent students and to put them into the role of business consultants working on real projects that aim to make a difference for non-profits and social enterprises.

180 DC helps socially conscious organisations improve education, reduce homelessness and alleviate poverty by providing them with consulting services in areas such as fundraising, marketing, human resources, business expansion, etc. At the same time, 180 DC develops a generation of future leaders committed to making social impact. They strive to help the students in Bulgaria improve their practical knowledge and soft skills, and to inspire them to think outside the box through a variety of workshops and professional trainings.

180 DC Sofia is founded in April 2017 by one of our Business Consultants, Dobrin Vitanov. In their first semester, the team developed a fundraising strategy for the National Youth Forum of Bulgaria and a business expansion strategy for the Institute for Progressive Education. Thanks to their flying start, they won the Best New 180 DC Branch Award for 2017 in the competition of seven other branches from the US, Canada and India. Ever since, 180 DC Sofia successfully delivered consulting projects for many more non-profits and social enterprises in the field of education, art and culture, and community development, among which are Teach for Bulgaria, Move.BG, The Red House, Zero Waste Bulgaria and others.