Agile Transformation

At Brightive we have the expertise to make Agile work throughout your enterprise. Our approach ensures immediate value to the business as we improve current operation in parallel with planning and defining the future service.

Agile has evolved from software development, then IT and is now expanding to portfolio and enterprise levels.

  • Adapt to changing technology and economic conditions.

  • Respond to market changes and merging opportunities.

  • Improve speed, flexibility and customer centricity.

We offer Agile Transformation services as well as provision of Agile roles to help you tackle challenges of the traditional Project Management.

  • Stakeholder involvement, location of teams and identification of customer needs.

  • Organization and management, in which legal and cultural challenges arise.

  • Team practices, identification of functional and non-functional requirements, cross-team dependencies, reporting and tracking of projects, quality management, risk management, and scaling.

  • Technical complexity of projects, integration issues, project assessment and issues tracking.

Why go Agile?

How we will deliver?

As organisations move rapidly to embrace Agile delivery methods, not only within IT, but more widely across strategic change initiatives, we have the expertise to make Agile work throughout your enterprise. We will take you on an Agile journey consisting of 5 stages:


Agile will begin to permeate throughout the organization and executive leadership, enabling empowered teams and adaptive leadership to respond to everchanging market demands as they have transformed to an organization with true Agility


Once the teams become disciplined and predictable, we can focus on team and organizational improvements to optimize across the full delivery cycle and shorten time to market


Teams harden the newly learned practices and become more disciplined in order to deliver working product in a predictable iterative manner.


Trough Agile training and coaching, teams and leadership are equipped with new techniques and understanding of how agile works and are transformed into an empowered team.


Understanding and communicating the business objectives that will be achieved with the transformation is a crucial first step.

'Implementing agile via a one-size-fits-all approach without tailoring it to the specific needs of product teams' risks failure and can be counterproductive. Adopting Agile should not translate into losing sight on your investments, ROI and portfolio status.'

Martyn Smith
Founder & Managing Director

Case studies