Professional Service Center

Our services and Delivery Model

Whatever our clients’ business size and whatever their business and technology challenges, our
team can connect and add value in Programme Delivery & Assurance, Business Transformation &
Change, IT Delivery & Optimisation.


Business Analysis

Information Analysis

Cloud Technology Deployment

According to research by Cushman & Wakefield, Bulgaria moved up 11 places in 2015 to 3rd position in the global Business Process Outsourcing market due to its ‘educated labour pool’ and ‘strong international language base’. In 2014, an report placed Bulgaria 9th (in the top 50).

Bulgaria has the most favourable tax regime in the EU. Corporate income tax rate is 10%, the lowest in the EU.

80% of university graduates speaking at least one foreign language.

Sofia is a technological cluster, with many successful startups emerging in the past 10 years (Telerik, V-Ray, Stremio).

60 000 students annually graduate from 51 universities.

Cultural Compatibility & Strategic Location and Time Zone

Global leader of high-speed broadband adoption in 2015

Bulgaria has one of the most competitive costs of labor in Central and Eastern Europe

Southeastern Europe Time zone UTC+2 Service to worldwide clients

Leading Edge Technology & Data Security

8th in the world and 5th in Europe in Internet speed

Reliable IT infrastructure ensures business continiuity in the event of equipment failures

The security and privacy of confidential business informaton is safeguarded by regulations and data protection practices employed by the BPO companies

Our Brightive Development Programme

At Brightive we care about building capabilities in the face of our consultants, we reinvest in their personal development in order to be able to provide the best service to the clients. Brightive implements a mentoring program for its employees, in order to develop their skills and extend their professional capabilities.
